H2H, prediction of AFAD vs Mouna with odds, preview, pick, kick-off time 31-03-2024 - Ligue 1
AFAD and Mouna will face in the 21st week of the 2023/2024 Ligue 1 on Sunday the 31st of March at 3:30 pm at Stade Robert Champroux in Abidjan (click here to see your time). In the ensuing paragraphs we will display the stats, head to head analysis and...
AFAD stops Denguélé with a 0-0 draw
BOUAKé. Denguélé didn't concede much to AFAD to lock the result on a 0-0 scoreline on Saturday.. The match was played at the Stade de Bouaké stadium in Bouaké on Saturday and it started at 5:45 pm local time. The weather was broken clouds. The temperature was extremely hot at...
H2H, prediction of Denguélé vs AFAD with odds, preview, pick, kick-off time 24-02-2024 - Ligue 1
Denguélé and AFAD will face in the 16th week of the 2023/2024 Ligue 1 on Saturday the 24th of February at 5:45 pm at Stade de Bouaké in Bouaké (click here to see your time). In the coming paragraphs we will show the statistics, head to head analysis and...
AFAD beats Zoman 1-0 with a goal scored by
ABIDJAN. AFAD prevails over Zoman 1-0 after scored just 1 goal ('). Zoman lost this match even if it was superior in terms of ball possession (60%). The match was played at the Stade Robert Champroux stadium in Abidjan on Saturday and it started at 3:30 pm local...
AFAD beats Zoman 1-0 with a goal scored by
ABIDJAN. AFAD prevails over Zoman 1-0 after scored just 1 goal ('). Zoman lost this match even if it was better in terms of ball possession (60%). The match was played at the Stade Robert Champroux stadium in Abidjan on Saturday and it started at 3:30 pm local...
Stella overcomes AFAD 3-0
BOUAKé. Stella was eventually too much to handle for AFAD with the goal of (45'), (81') and (87'). The match was played at the Stade de Bouaké stadium in Bouaké on Monday and it started at 5:45 pm local time. The weather was light rain. The...
AFAD tops Stade d'Abidjan 1-0 with a goal scored by
ABIDJAN. AFAD defeats Stade d'Abidjan 1-0 after scored just 1 goal (3'). The match was played at the Stade Robert Champroux stadium in Abidjan on Sunday and it started at 6:00 pm local time. The weather was moderate rain. The temperature was hot at 25.73 degrees Celsius or...
H2H, prediction of AFAD vs SOA with odds, preview, pick, kick-off time 19-11-2023 - Ligue 1
AFAD and SOA will face off in the 11th week of the 2023/2024 Ligue 1 on Sunday the 19th of November at 3:30 pm at Stade Robert Champroux in Abidjan (click here to see your time). In the following paragraphs you can find the head to head analysis and...
H2H, prediction of Lys Sassandra vs AFAD with odds, preview, pick, kick-off time - Ligue 1
Lys Sassandra and AFAD will to clash in the 8th week of the 2023/2024 Ligue 1 (click here to see your time). In the following paragraphs you can find the head to head analysis and prediction. PREDICTION, ODDS and LIVE STREAMING 1 X 2 30.77% 35.71% 43.48% The prediction is that AFAD will prevail. According to our...
Mouna conquers AFAD 1-0 with a goal scored by K. Thierry
Mouna overcomes AFAD 1-0 after K. Thierry scored just 1 goal (44'). Match Statistics​ Ball possession Mouna was in firm control of the ball 55% while AFAD was struggling with a 45% ball possession. Attitude and shots Mouna had a more offensive attitude with 52 dangerous attacks and 14 shots of...