Veronika Rajek is often keen on delighting her followers with all kinds of pictures and videos, especially on Instagram. She delighted her 6.8 million followers after posting this video in a bikini at the beach collecting more than 120k likes in few hours.

The Slovakian beauty is married to her husband Viktor Rajek, who is a former bobsledder running a restaurant in Vienna.

Enjoy this video.


Veronika Rajek, the stunning Slovakian model, has captivated her 6.8 million Instagram followers with her dedication to fitness and body positivity. Beyond her attractive appearance, Veronika is a force to be reckoned with, proving that physical fitness transcends age and societal expectations.

Her Fitness Regimen

Veronika considers the gym her sanctuary, a place where she nurtures both her body and mind. Six days a week, she engages in a balanced routine that includes:

  1. Cardio and Weight Machines: Veronika utilizes the cardio and weight machines to maintain overall fitness.
  2. Running: She hits the treadmill, pounding out miles to keep her heart strong.
  3. Squats: Veronika’s leg workouts include squats, which help sculpt her lower body.
  4. Core Work: Ab exercises are a crucial part of her daily regimen.

However, her goal isn’t to conform to a specific body type; it’s about mental well-being. She likens her gym sessions to therapy, emphasizing that this time is essential for her overall health.

Balanced Lifestyle

Veronika doesn’t believe in extreme restrictions. She enjoys a balanced diet, including occasional indulgences for her sweet tooth. “I eat in a normal manner,” she asserts. “I’m just a really particular person.” Her secret? Her body thrives on sugar, and she embraces it.