Veronika Rajek posts bold video at the gym on Instagram

Veronika teases her fans with this post on Instagram training at the gym

Veronika Rajek Workout At The Gym

Veronika Rajek loves delighting her fans with all kinds of pictures and videos mostly on Instagram. She delighted her 6.8 million followers after posting this video while training at the gym.

The Slovakian beauty is married to her husband Viktor Rajek, who is a former bobsledder running a restaurant in Vienna.

Enjoy this video.


About Veronika Rajek’s fitness

Veronika Rajek, the Slovakian model who has captured hearts and headlines alike, is more than just a pretty face. Her fitness journey is a testament to dedication, resilience, and self-love. Let’s delve into her world of health, workouts, and body positivity.

The Rise to Fame

Veronika Rajek gained prominence not only for her stunning looks but also for her outspoken admiration for NFL star Tom Brady. However, it’s her commitment to fitness that truly sets her apart. With a strong social media following, she shares glimpses of her life, including her rigorous exercise routines and health-conscious lifestyle.

The Controversy

Recently, Rajek faced criticism when some online commenters expressed concern about her slender frame. But she’s quick to clarify: “My large breasts are completely natural.” She emphasizes that her weight is a result of her active lifestyle, not an unhealthy obsession with being thin.

The Fitness Regimen

For Rajek, the gym is her sanctuary. She hits the weights and cardio machines six days a week. Her workouts include running, squats, and core exercises. But it’s not about chasing a specific body type; it’s about mental well-being. “The gym is like therapy,” she says. “It’s my time.”

Balanced Diet and Rollerblading

Rajek maintains a balanced diet, steering clear of extreme restrictions. She’s not afraid to indulge in her favorite treats. “I eat normally,” she asserts. “I’m just a super picky person.” Her secret? She thrives on sugar, and her body loves it.

Beyond the gym, Rajek enjoys rollerblading—a fun way to burn calories while soaking up the outdoors. She once skated an impressive 15 miles in a single day!

Debunking Myths

As Rajek approaches her late twenties, she challenges the myth that age inevitably leads to weight gain. Her washboard abs at 27 defy the notion that every sip of water adds pounds. She’s proof that fitness transcends age.


Veronika Rajek’s fitness journey isn’t about conforming to societal norms. It’s about embracing her body, staying active, and finding joy in movement. So, the next time you lace up your sneakers, remember: the gym can be your happy place too.