What if Lee Carsley replaces Gareth Southgate as England manager?


In the YouTube video titled “Could Lee Carsley replace Gareth Southgate as England manager? “, Mike Wotton explores the possibility of Lee Carsley taking over as England manager, currently managing the Under-21 team.

Wotton expresses respect for Southgate’s achievements but turns the conversation to Carsley, sharing positive experiences of working with him at Brentford in 2014. Carsley’s enthusiasm, work ethic, and passion for the game, as well as his success with the Under-21 team and understanding of young players, are highlighted. Wotton believes Carsley has the qualities to step up to the England manager role, with his experience and knowledge making him a strong candidate. T

he speaker also acknowledges the FA’s preference for a British manager but notes the presence of strong overseas candidates. Carsley’s deep understanding of the game and players, experience in both international and club management, and excellent communication skills are highlighted as reasons for his potential suitability for the job.