Cray Wanderers and Lewes will to clash in the 24th week of the Non League Premier: Isthmian (click here to see your time). In the [following] paragraphs we will display the statistics, head to head analysis and prediction about this match.


1 X 2
39.22% 28.57% 43.48%

The prediction is that Lewes will win the contest. Following our forecast, there are 43.48% chances that Lewes will be the team on the winning side. The odds of a draw are 28.57%.

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Cray Wanderers – Performance

Last Matches

Cray Wanderers has points to be in the 0th position in the Non League Premier: Isthmian. Cray Wanderers won 0 matches, it has never lost to date, and never drew thus far.


Last season, Cray Wanderers has scored 0 goals in total.

Lewes – Performance

Last Matches

Lewes has points and is in the 0th place in the Non League Premier: Isthmian. Lewes won 0 matches, it has never lost to date, and never draw to date.


Last season, Lewes has scored 0 goals in total.