Dwight McNeil (Everton) is expected to take part in the upcoming match against Burnley. The encounter is going to take place in Burnley at the Turf Moor at 5:30 pm. The designed referee is Anthony Taylor. The weather is expected to be overcast clouds.

Following the predictions the team with the best chances to win is Everton (27.78%). Burnley has 47.62% to win. The chances of a draw are 29.41%. Everton has scored in average 1.25 goals and conceded 2.22 goals per match. When Everton plays at home it scored in average 1.11 goals and conceded 1.00 goals per match. When Everton plays at away it scored in average 1.43 goals and conceded 1.57 goals per match.

Dwight McNeil’s performance

Everton has so far conceded 20 goals in 16 matches (2.22 per match). Dwight McNeil has played 13 matches of 16. When he played his team recorded 5 clean sheets on 16 matches (31.3% in total).

He played more than 60 minutes on 11 times (85% in total) and less than 60 minutes twice (15% in total). Dwight McNeil has scored 2 goals this season. Dwight McNeil has received no yellow cards and was never sent off with a red card.

Dwight McNeil
Minutes 2809
Played > 60 31
Goals Conc 36
Goals 3
Assist 6
Clean Sh 13
Pen Miss 0
Vote 7.36
Red Card 0
Yellow Card 2
Own Goal 0

Referee Anthony Taylor

The referee of the match is Anthony Taylor. During this season he refereed 12 times. He gave 61 yellow cards (17%) and 2 red cards (1%) per match. The team that played on the home soil won 5 times (42%) and the away team won 3 times (25%). There were 4 draws. On average per match and the home team scored 2.3 goals and the away team scored 1.6 goals.

Anthony Taylor
Home win 31%
Away win 35%
Draws 35%
Avg Home goal 1.8
Avg Away goal 1.8
Red Card 0.0
Yellow Card 0.2