BOUAKé. Denguélé beats Stella 1-0 after A. Sie scored a penalty (45′).

The match was played at the Stade de Bouaké stadium in Bouaké on Saturday and it started at 3:30 pm local time. The weather was sky is clear. The temperature was extremely hot at 33.48 degrees Celsius or 92.26 Fahrenheit. The humidity was 25%.​


After playing this match, Denguélé has 29 points to sit in the 2nd place. On the opposite side, Stella will stays with 20 points like SOA to hold in the 7th place.

Next matches

Denguélé – Formation

The manager decided to play with the following team: .


Denguélé decided to remain with the initial team without doing any substitution.

Stella – Formation

played with: .


Stella decided to remain with the initial team without doing any substitution.

Results of the day

These are the results of the day in the Ligue 1.​