David and Victoria Beckham were so determined to keep their relationship concealed that their initial intimate moment occurred in a car park.

Posh and Becks, one of the world’s most renowned couples, went to great lengths to maintain their secrecy when news of their affection for each other reached their management.

They were particularly concerned about the media attention their relationship would attract, prompting them to choose car parks as discreet meeting spots for their private moments.

In a new Netflix documentary about his life, Victoria mentioned, “My manager kept saying to keep it under wraps, don’t get photographed together. So we met in car parks – and I don’t mean that in a seedy way at all,” David Beckham humorously added, “The first kiss I ever had with Victoria was in the BMW in the car park. [Laughs] Classy.”

David continued to express his devotion, saying, “I didn’t care when I saw her, how much I saw her. If it was me driving down to London to see her for seven minutes, I did it.”

The documentary also reveals how their high-profile relationship placed added pressure on David’s football career, leading to frustration among his managers, including Manchester United legend Sir Alex Ferguson and England boss Glenn Hoddle, due to constant media coverage.

Nonetheless, David was determined to be with Victoria, even chartering a plane to spend time with her. Victoria recalled, “I was on tour. I didn’t know when I was going to see him, that was the difficult thing. But he used to do anything to spend time with me. He would charter a tiny plane, like a two-seater plane, come over for a few hours and then go back.”

David’s close friend Gary Neville believed that, despite his deep feelings for Victoria, it wouldn’t affect his performance on the field. According to Neville, “David had the ability to have madness in his life, then an hour before a match he’d switch focus and be in football mode. He’d turn it on and he’d perform.”

In fact, it was Gary Neville to whom David first confessed his attraction to Victoria, long before they met for the first time. David reminisced, “I turned round to Gary and said ‘I’m going to marry that one’. We’re laughing and joking but I say to him, ‘no, I’m going to marry that one, the posh one, in the black dress’.” Neville remarked, “I suppose most blokes have done that in their life, looked at a television and thought ‘I like her’. You don’t f***ing end up with them.”