Former WWE Women’s Champion; from stripping naked on WWE to a surprising career move leaves fans speechless

WWE fans knew Stacy Carter as The Cat or Miss Kitty, but more than 20 years after her in-ring career came to an end, she embarked on a new endeavor that is utterly unrelated.

Stacy Carter Former Wwe Champ Who Stripped Herself Naked
Image @WWE

A former WWE Women’s Champion, who once garnered attention by disrobing on live television, has embarked on a vastly different career journey from her days in the world of sports entertainment.

Stacy Carter, also known as Miss Kitty or The Cat, was associated with WWE during an era when women’s wrestling was more focused on theatrical matches in elaborate costumes, emphasizing aesthetics rather than the in-ring prowess seen in today’s wrestling product. Among the most controversial figures of that time was Stacy Carter.

In December 1999, at the Armageddon PPV in Florida, United States, Stacy Carter secured the then-WWF Women’s Championship in a fatal four-way evening gown pool match. Her opponents included wrestling veterans Ivory and Jacqueline, alongside the less-remembered BB. The match’s objective was to strip one’s opponent of their attire, a feat Carter successfully accomplished. However, her post-match celebration became legendary for its controversy.

Overjoyed by her victory, Carter stood on a podium next to the pool, wearing only a towel, and exposed herself to the packed arena and millions watching worldwide. Carter’s championship reign lasted 49 days, after which she lost the title to a character named Harvey Wippleman, who portrayed a woman named Hervina. He, in turn, relinquished the title to Jacqueline a mere night later.

Carter subsequently formed a tag team partnership with the iconic Chyna for a period before eventually exiting the wrestling scene altogether. Today, her career has taken a drastic turn, as she has transitioned into the world of real estate.

Primarily operating in the Dallas, Texas area, Carter entered the real estate industry shortly after her divorce from fellow WWE legend Jerry Lawler in 2003. Additionally, she has become an advocate for animal charities and reportedly follows a vegan lifestyle.

Reflecting on the infamous Armageddon incident in 2009, Carter explained that it nearly jeopardized WWE’s deal with PPV streaming company Direct TV. She clarified that the exposure was entirely unintentional, as WWE Hall of Famer Sgt Slaughter was supposed to ensure her modesty was preserved, and the camera was not intended to capture her from the front.

Nevertheless, fans have rallied behind her and her new career path on the internet. One supporter expressed, “People overlook her because of how sexual she was but she was training behind the scenes and showed a ton of potential. She is someone who truly loved wrestling, was good on the mic, loved by the fans, beautiful.”

Another enthusiast declared, “Absolutely obsessed with her. She’s so underrated. She deserves hall of fame.” A third fan added, “OMG how is it possible that she looks younger today than 20 years ago?? Legend!!”