WATCH! Veronika Rajek topless in Capri after wearing tiny bikini

Veronika Rajek, a 27-year-old Instagram model with over 5.3 million followers, has turned Tom Brady's devotion into a series of headlines. Currently in Capri, Italy, she plans to make her vacation less headline-worthy by promoting the "best sightseeing view" in the nation. She set high standards for herself, setting herself up for topless sunbathing and tanning procedures to prepare for the Capri streets.

Veronika Rajek

One of the most spectacular influencer runs in recent memory belongs to Veronika Rajek. Many less important influences could have blown it when it came to making headlines about her devotion to Tom Brady.

She’s clearly not one of the less influential people. The Slovakian Instagram model, 27, hasn’t looked back since she turned those Brady headlines into a succession of headlines. She constantly produces stuff whenever a chance arises.

Veronika, who presently has more than 5.3 million followers, is unwinding in Capri, Italy. This isn’t a vacation where you only do fun things. One of those doesn’t get headlines, and she intends to do exactly that.

After she arrived in Italy and proclaimed herself the “best sightseeing view” in the nation, a vigorous follow-up was necessary. Talk about making oneself feel under pressure to deliver. She has set high standards for herself, on par with Brady.

Veronika had her work cut out for her on Thursday, but she managed to deliver. She used a bed that was positioned strategically close to the beach for some topless sunbathing. She used this tanning procedure to get her booty ready for the Capri streets.