Torpedo Moskva and Rostov are going to face in the th week of the 2021/2022 Russian Cup on Wednesday the 27th of October at 16:00 at Sportivnyj gorodok Luzhniki.


1 X 2
55.56% 29.41% 27.4%

The prediction is that Torpedo Moskva will prevail. As per our analysis, there are 55.56% chances that Torpedo Moskva prevails. The probability of a draw is 29.41%.

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Under – Over statistics, Predictions​

As of now the combined matches of Torpedo Moskva and Rostov ended 3 times with 2 goals or less. They have never competed in a match that ended with more than 2 goals.​

During this competitions, Torpedo Moskva took part in2 matches that finished with both teams scoring 2 goals or less in total (UNDER 2.5 -> 100.0%).​

On the home soil, Torpedo Moskva participated in 1 match that finished with 2 goals or less (UNDER 2.5 -> 100.0%).​

On the other side, Rostov took part to1 match that ended with both teams scoring 2 goals or less in total (UNDER 2.5 -> 100.0%).​

When playing away, Rostov played 1 match that ended with the teams scoring 2 goals or less in total (UNDER 2.5 -> 100.0%).​

Torpedo Moskva – Performance

Last Matches


Torpedo Moskva has scored 0 goals in total.

Rostov – Performance

Last Matches


Rostov has scored 0 goals in total.